Episode 2: What does the Bible say about the Sabbath?


Is the seventh day a command we tolerate or gift of rest? What does the Bible actually say about the Sabbath?

In this conversation, Jon and Jim discuss why the Sabbath is important, highlight what the Bible says, as well as discuss with their personal experiences as gentile followers of Yeshua (Jesus) in observing the Sabbath. They explore the biblical basis for the Sabbath and the significance of God resting on the seventh day.

They also discuss the intentionality required in Sabbath observance and the balance between law and grace. Overall, the conversation highlights the beauty and importance of setting aside a day for rest and worship.


00:00 Introduction to the Sabbath

01:36 Discovering the Sabbath

02:06 Personal Experiences with the Sabbath

06:25 The Beauty of Sabbath

07:24 What Does the Bible Say about the Sabbath?

08:52 The Significance of Resting on the Seventh Day

10:24 The Sabbath on Saturday

12:41 The Meaning of Shabbat

17:22 The Commandment to Sabbath

21:47 Intentionality in Sabbath Observance

28:59 Law vs. Grace in Sabbath Observance


  • The Sabbath is a gift from God that provides an opportunity for rest and replenishment.

  • The Sabbath is rooted in Scripture and has been observed since ancient times.

  • Sabbath observance is a personal journey and may look different for each individual.

  • Intentionality and preparation are key in experiencing the fullness of the Sabbath.

Jon Horton

Whether he’s working in ministry at a church or helping nonprofits with technology, Jon has a lifelong desire to pastor others, help them follow the way of Jesus, and equip them as they discover their purpose.


Episode 3: What does the Sabbath look like for us?


Episode 1: Introductions