The Ancient Way Podcast
Welcome to the Ancient Way Podcast, where Jon & Jim explore what it looks like to live as a Gentile following a Jewish Messiah. Follow along as we discuss our experiences stumbling into keeping the Sabbath and other biblical feasts.
Episode 18: The Feast of Trumpets and the 3 types of shofar blasts
In this episode, Jon and Jim discuss the significance of the shofar blasts during the Feast of Trumpets. They explore the three types of blasts: tekiah, shevarim, and teruah. The tekiah blast is a long straight blast that signifies the coronation of a king. The shevarim blast is a series of three wailing blasts that represent introspection and repentance. The teruah blast is a series of nine short blasts that serve as a war alarm, calling people to wake up and be alert. These blasts have deep spiritual significance and remind us to be fully present and engaged in our relationship with God.