Articles to Inspire & Challenge
Read along as we share our writings of what God is teaching us as we live in His Kingdom.
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Finding Jesus in the Jewish holiday of Passover
Christians celebrate communion often, but did you know it’s directly connected to the Jewish festival of Passover? When Jesus said “Do this in remembrance of me,” it was part of a Passover Seder meal that He was having with His Jewish disciples. What should followers of Jesus do with this biblical holiday?
Rediscovering the joy of Sabbath rest.
Have you ever sabbathed?
I mean really sabbath.
In our journey as Christians, we shed our love of Sabbath, rooted in ancient Jewish culture for the modern convenience of productivity and grace.
Why should a Christian celebrate the biblical festivals?
We’re used to our modern, Americanized calendar with all of the holidays that come with it: Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and more. Yet here, centered around the ancient Hebrew calendar, we find a God who cares about his people so much that he designates seven special events throughout the year so they can rest, remember Him, and enjoy the good life.
What are the 7 feasts mentioned in the bible?
Did you know that buried in the Old Testament book of Leviticus, we find a God who cares about his people so much that he designates seven holidays throughout the year so we can rest, remember Him, and enjoy the good life He created?
Why is God so different in the old and new testament?
When I started reading the Torah with new eyes, I expected to find a God of vengeance and punishment, yet what I found was a God rich in compassion, mercy, and loving kindness.
We've been duped for centuries by misguided theology.
God's grace in the Hebrew Bible is the same grace that leads to the new covenant.
The Mountain of God … is in the desert?
We read about the “Mountain of God,” picturing an idyllic scene of lush beauty, only to find ourselves in the dry, desert wilderness. We feel that God is silent, but what if His presence is closer that we think?
What was meant for evil, God planned for good—to save the lives of many people
You may know the story of Jacob’s son Joseph whose brothers hatched a plot to fake his death and sell him into slavery out of their jealous rage.
Over time Joseph makes his way into the Pharaoh of Egypt’s palace. After serving for many years, he is eventually thrown into prison after false accusations of rape.
While in prison his Father’s gift of dreams has clearly passed onto him, and he accurately interprets the dream of two fellow inmates.
But he is forgotten.
Practice the ancient way with us
Modern life for all of if its innovation and progress has left us more disconnected, isolated, alone—lacking peace with ourselves and with God.
What if there was an ancient way we could return to? One that resonates with the longing in our souls for a new kingdom. We hope you’ll join us to as we follow the Master together.
How the spring and fall feasts point to Jesus as Messiah
Over the last few months, my friend Jim and I have been diving in and discussing the significance of the Spring feasts of Israel, mentioned in the Bible in Leviticus 23. As followers of Jesus, you may not realize it, but we come from a rich tradition rooted in Hebrew soil. Keep reading for a summary of our conversations about the spring feasts and a preview of the upcoming fall feasts.
Hearing God’s voice: What are you doing here, Elijah?
Have you heard God's voice? Often He's not in the big, flashy, showy displays of power and might—His voice is a small, quiet whisper. May you have ears to hear what He is speaking to you.
If the LORD delights in us
There’s a story in the bible where God tells Moses to send out 12 men to spy on the promised land— to find out if the land was good or bad; if the people were weak or strong.
The wilderness is a gateway to hope.
Have you ever felt like you've been through a desert season in your life?
Lost all hope?
Felt like you would never emerge on the other side?
What do the four cups of wine represent at Passover?
The Four cups of wine at a Passover meal represent the four promises of God to the ancient Israelite people. Learn about the rich significance hidden in these four cups!
God's laws are our survival techniques for this world.
As I was reading scripture this week, I came across Exodus 15:25 where the ancient Israelites had just crossed the Sea of Reeds and were crying out for something to drink because the waters were bitter. God showed Moses a tree to throw into the waters which made them sweet and drinkable.
A long wait for God’s promises
Let’s face it—nobody likes to wait. In our instant society where you can make an online purchase and find it delivered to your door within hours before ever leaving the couch, the idea of waiting is increasingly foreign. What do you do when God’s promises are taking a while? How can you learn to wait?
God be with you, mighty warrior!
Like Gideon, sometimes in the midst of suffering and oppression, God reminds us of our true identity and calls us to use our strength for the sake of others.
There is still reason to hope
In Lamentations, we read of how things are bad and getting worse. Israel is in exile and they have forgotten God, but there’s still reason to have hope.
Will you follow the majority or believe the promises?
In Numbers, we find a story of 12 people spying out the land of promise. Only two had enough faith to go against the majority of voices. Which side will you be on?
What cloud and fire teach us about trusting
What if the cloud of smoke and pillar of fire that guided the ancient Israelites is still relevant to us today?
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble
Pride is inherently opposed to God because it claims that we are better at running the universe than he is. How should we respond instead?