We recommend these books to expand your understanding of the Sabbath and feasts.
If you’re new to the Sabbath or biblical feasts and want a few starting points to kick start your learning, these books are a few of the ones we initial discovered.
We hope they’re as helpful for you as they were for us.
The Sabbath
by Abraham Joshua Heschel
Jewish rabbi and theologian, Abraham Heschel, describes in beautiful prose how the Sabbath is eternity in a day and illuminates why God chose the seventh day as a palace in time to meet with His people.
Garden City
by John Mark Comer
One chapter in this book opened our eyes and introduced us to the idea of the Sabbath and how to actually practice it.
Celebrating Biblical Feasts
by Martha Zimmerman
This book is a good starting point for ideas on how to practically celebrate biblical feasts with others.
God’s Appointed Times
by Barney Kasdan
For a great, compelling overview of biblical feasts with insight into traditional Jewish observance as well as practical insight for the implications for Messianic believers, read this book!