What was meant for evil, God planned for good—to save the lives of many people

You may know the story of Jacob’s son Joseph whose brothers hatched a plot to fake his death and sell him into slavery out of their jealous rage.

Over time Joseph makes his way into the Pharaoh of Egypt’s palace. After serving for many years, he is eventually thrown into prison after false accusations of rape. 

While in prison his Father’s gift of dreams has clearly passed onto him, and he accurately interprets the dream of two fellow inmates.

But he is forgotten.

For years he is a prisoner, until one day Pharaoh has two disturbing dreams that even his best advisors cannot interpret. 

Joseph is remembered.

He accurately predicts a coming famine for the entire nation. His divine revelation places him as the second in command of all of Egypt and he puts a plan in motion to provide food for all of Egypt during the seven years of lack.

It’s during this time the famine drives his 12 brothers to Egypt to beg for food as everything has dried up. Thinking their brother was dead, they don’t recognize Joseph, and after a few rounds of cat and mouse, Joseph reveals himself as their long lost brother.

On hearing the news, Pharaoh invites all of Joseph’s family to live in Goshen just outside of the city. Jacob and all 75 members of his family migrate in order to save their lives.

Years later Jacob blesses his 12 sons and takes his last breath.

After all these years, Joseph’s brothers are terrified that he may turn on them and take retribution for their evil plot.  They make a plan to stay in his good graces.

But Joseph has a surprising response: 

“Don’t be afraid. For am I in the place of God? Yes, you yourselves planned evil against me. God planned it for good, in order to bring about what it is this day—to preserve the lives of many people.
—Genesis 50:19–20  

So Joseph lives at peace with his brothers and continues to provide for them and their families, recognizing that it was the God of his fathers who had been working behind the scenes. In dreams and circumstances to bring his ultimate plan of redemption to fruition.

Maybe you’ve heard this story a hundred times. It’s easy to look past it as an old tale from an ancient book that has no tangible application for you today,

How often do we go through life frustrated at circumstances?  

  • A relationships sours.

  • A business fails.

  • You feel stuck at a dead end job with no way out.

  • Your kids aren’t turning out the way you envisioned.

  • Life is difficult and your hope is waning. 

After decades of crushed hope, it would be easy to turn our fist to heaven and blame God for not coming through in our lives.

But like Joseph, what if we changed our perspective? 

What if the fractured relationship was making room for something new?

What if the failed business turned into the foundation of your next venture?

What if your job experiences were giving you opportunities to grow and prepare for the next role?

What if your kids were being shaped for God’s plan in their lives twenty years from now?

As followers of Yeshua, we can hold to this with confidence that God is always working things out for our good and his glory according to his mysterious ways. We can trust with a bold confidence that his plan always involves salvation and deliverance—whether we see it or not.

Perhaps this situation describes you today. 

My prayer for you is that you will have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand what God is doing in your life. 

That the seed of trusting faith will take root in your heart and grow into a lifetime faithfulness. 

That God’s purpose will come to pass in his perfect timing.

That many will come to know of his goodness through the stories of faithfulness you will tell. That like Joseph you can say: “What you planned for evil against me, God planned it for good—to preserve the life of many people.”

May it come to pass quickly and in your lifetime!

Jon Horton

Whether he’s working in ministry at a church or helping nonprofits with technology, Jon has a lifelong desire to pastor others, help them follow the way of Jesus, and equip them as they discover their purpose.


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